Monday, May 18, 2015

What is an American?

                  What is an American? To be American is a dream for many people who aren't already. The U.S is the place to live your life freely, as many believe, although that's only if you were born American. Americans have many privilages, they get to school for free, have a well maintaining  job, and many more. Today we, including I, see Americans as those who vote, pay taxes, and take pride in thier country. Although this response applies to the American civilians, it differentiates with our U.S superiors, such as the president or governor.
                  If this question were to be asked in the past you'd get a different response from today. Many Americans in the past were mostly Caucasians, due to low percentage of immigrants. Now many African Americans, Hispanics, etc, can say they're American because they were born here after their spouses came to the U.S to settle. In the eyes of these immigrants, Americans were cruel people because they took advantage of them, for example Asians were used to build railroads and Hispanics to work for low wages on the grape fields. Americans did this beacsue they felt as they were superior, and knew they could take advantage of them because they were the desperate ones. So in conclusion to this statement, Americans were smart but cruel people.
                  Today perspective on Americans have changed, as times changed and laws that have been passed. It is the president's and other U.S superiors job to represent America , and to be wise with their actions so we don't gain a bad reputation. Today the U.S are the ones to go to after a crisis has occured. For example the earthquake in Haiti and Ebola outbreak in Africa, who were the ones there to help others in need of it? The U.S was. That is the duty as a president, to give a good reputation on the United States, and us Americans coming from there. 
                  To be an American is a great privilage, many people would go through hell crossing boarders just to enter the U.S. It's amazing the limits people would go through just for the title as an American or for thier kids to receive that title, that's how valuable and important it is to others. Although when they arrive to the U.S it is not the life they thought they would live, but that's not the point. Many of these immigrants come to live here because in thier home country there might be a crisis going on such as famine or war, or simply just to live a better life. That is why it is a privilage to be American, we dont have to go through the troubles many others out of country do.
                  An American is someone who was born in the United States, or in my opinion those who even have their green card. As Americans we have to work or go to school, vote, pay taxes, and take pride in our country. Throughout time the perspective on Americans have changed, going from bad to good. Being American is  a great privilage which is why I am proud to say I'm American.


  1. I really like the way you see Americans. Your view on Americans is a lot better than mine.

  2. very great essay need to work on the ending
