Wednesday, May 20, 2015

nuclear essay

Nuclear Power Essay

There is much on the line if the decision being made today is not the proper one. Congresswoman assigned me responsible whether the United States should allow a nuclear power plant in the state or not. After all the research on the pros and cons of nuclear power plants a decision has been concluded. The U.S would benefit in various ways, but would also suffer consequences if anything tragic occurs This plant can provide us with large power-generating capacity able to meet industrial and city needs. Primarily people of the city rely on this energy, for they need electricity and power for everyday home necessities/utilities such as light, water, and gas. Although this nuclear power plant will support us with large amounts of energy, it will also be very dangerous to try and maintain the radioactive waste, and it would also be a hotspot as targets for militants and terrorist organizations. The final decision is that a nuclear power plant shall be in our state was finalized.

Nuclear energy benefits in so many ways, rather than energy from coal or gas. In "The Truth About Nuclear Power" by Veronique de Rugy, she says "Death resulting from the production of nuclear power are over 400 times less than the rate of death resulting from production of energy from coal", so that's an upside to nuclear power. At least we know it's safer while being produced. Even Steven Chu agrees- President Barack Obama's energy secretary- when asked to compare coal and nuclear energy, he stated "I'd rather be living near a nuclear power plant."(Chu, Steven. Do You Want To Live Near A Nuclear Power Plant?)

Nuclear power is also cheaper to make energy from it's reactors, rather than oil, gas, and coal. It is more reliable, for it lasts 100 years, while oil, gas, and coal have limited energy. In addition to it being a cheaper alternative than fossil fuels, it is also easier to transport. 28 grams of Uranium releases the same amount of energy as produced from 100 metric tons of coal, which results in the large amounts of pollution and contributes to the greenhouse gases: carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, and water vapor. That being said, not only is nuclear power safer, cheaper, and easier to transport, but it is also eco-friendly, while other fossil fuels harm the environment. "In burning fossil fuels, we inject 23 billion tons of carbon dioxide every year into the atmosphere-730 tons per second. Half of it is absorbed in the seas and vegetation, but half remains in the atmosphere. This is significantly altering the composition of the atmosphere and seriously affecting the climate of our planet."(Comby, Bruno. The Benefits of Nuclear Energy). Nuclear energy is the only source of energy that can replace a significant part of the fossil fuels, which massively pollute the atmosphere and contribute to the greenhouse effect.

This power plant will provide us with much benefits, but where there's good, there is also bad. To begin with, not only is nuclear energy meant for power, but it is also used for nuclear bombs. That being said, it would be a hotspot for militants and terrorists organizations. In addition, the aftermath of nuclear bombs still roam with us to this day, even after five decades of World War 2 many children are born with defects. However, we are the United States! We proved our superiority in the Cold War against the Soviet Union, and the amount of power the atom bomb had in the explosion of Hiroshima, so if any militants or terrorists organizations decide to mess with us, they should prepare themselves for war.

Nuclear energy benefits us more than it'll harm us, it is 4000 times safer than energy produced from fossil fuels, for less people die producing nuclear energy rather than fossil fuels. It is also more reliable in a sense that it'll provide larger amounts of energy that lasts 100 years, while oil, gas, and coal have limited energy. Yes this plant comes with consequences, but our American chemists are highly intelligent and responsible, so if any mistakes occur like radiation escaping, without a doubt in my mind I'm positive that they'll any issues.

1 comment:

  1. nice citing on the quotes you used. Your information was aso very spot on, so I learned a lot from your essay, such as the exact amount of gasses released into the atmosphere and the specific chemicals involved with the use of fossil fuels. However, in the essay, you stated that nuclear power was much easier to transport as opposed to fossil fuels, when in fact, it is immensely more expensive and hazardous. but overall, it was a very informative essa and well put together.
