Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Culminating Writing Assignment- "What It Feels To Be Me"

                                                              What It Feels To Be Me
          South Central Los Angeles, to many people is portrayed to be to be a low-class neighborhood. Housing in South Central is either affordable to those who have low income, or receive aid from the government, therefore it results to the majority of the community being Hispanic and African American. This stereotype is sadly true, I speak from experience, because I live in Florence, on Compton and 81st street. Due to me living so far I wake up extremely early at 5 o'clock a.m, and catch the MTA- Metropolitan Transportation Authority -bus, the 55 line, at 5:50 a.m. I just recently moved in to a beautiful four bedroom house in the beginning of May, and on my way to school from home, vice versa, all I see are Hispanics and African Americans. On the bus I have only seen one Asian couple, who looked happily wed, and I have yet to see any Caucasians.
          The lack in numbers of Asians ans Caucasians may very well be the reason to why South L.A is portrayed as a low-class community. Stereotypes directed to any individual race may not always be true, for each person is unique and can prove that stereotype wrong, although for the most, sadly they are true. For instance, white people usually live in clean, safe, high-class neighborhoods because of the hard work put in through generations of going to school and obtaining a great paying job, so each offspring of every other generation has the motivation to graduate from college/university because their father, and grandparents may have done so. In addition to stereotypes, Asians are seen as of the most intelligent people, which results to them being successful in life, however for Hispanics and African Americans, many see them as minorities, intruders, or less of a human being because of the color of their skin. These two nationalities are seen as unsuccessful as well; because not many of them achieve something great in life. My generation must be the one to change all these negative thoughts from the "Americans" towards us "minorities", for every individual, no matter what color skin, or race, have the knowledge and determination to finish school and achieve the job they desire, however it all depends on how bad someone wants it.
          If every individual thought as I did, having the same mindset to get through school to live a wonderful, wealthy life with luxorious items, the world would be a better place to live in, there would be a decrease in the number of homeless, junkies, and young hooligans make foolish decisions. However many grow up different in their life, some kids grow up with gangsters, drug addicts as "parents", or no parents at all, and affects them in the decisions they decide to make in life. Who knows, maybe some kids feed off their parents' struggles which motivate them to do good in school so they won't go down the same road, or maybe it doesn't.

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