Monday, May 18, 2015

My Descriptive Essay

          Before Winter Break even began I already knew how it would turn out at the end. I predicted to myself that for the next three weeks of the time off I'd spend it with my family, my girlfriend, and my friends.I knew it would be an ordinary break.
          During the beginning of the break, say about the first week; I spent it at home resting from all the hard work put in for finals. I love to be home; my dad,Jose Aguilar always tells me "there's no place like home" and I agree with her with him. At home I feel safe and comfortable, while being on the streets I have to constantly worry about protecting myself from many of the dangers that surround me. In addition to being safe once I get home I could rest all I want in the comfort of my home.
          Throughout the whole break I woke up to my mother, Reina Hernandez's, cooking. The noise from the food cooking and crackling usually woke me up, but waking up to the smell of breakfast was delightful. I'd then go brush my teeth and prepare for breakfast. During the morning, my preferred beverages would either be Nesquik chocolate milk, orange juice, or coffee. My mom likes to mix breakfast up everyday, so one day we'd get bacon, eggs, beans, with tortillas and the next we'd get pancakes with hash browns. She often asks me a day before what I'd like to eat.
          Coming into the second week of break I prepared for Christmas Eve and New Years Eve, I'd think to myself what I would like as a present. For Christmas I already know what I am getting from my dad, it's our tradition that he takes my brother and sister, Andy Ortiz and Kate Aguilar out shopping, and what he buys us he wraps it; so there's surprise to our Christmas. Every Christmas and New Years Eve, my family and I spend it the same every year; my sister comes over with my nephew and nieces and we have a nice dinner. Once the clock strikes 12 A.M we set fireworks off to the air. I hardly get to see my older sister, Sharlenne Poblette, and my nieces and nephew so anytime they come over I truly cherish it and have an amazing time with them, while I can.
          Towards the ending of the Winter Break I spent it with my girlfriend who lives in the San Fernando Valley. It's exhausting going to see her because she lives one hour and thirty minutes away from me on Metro, but at the end when I'm finally with my girlfriend, Kenny Giron, the trip is all worth it. The most significant thing that happened to me during this break is that I joined boxing, which is now part of my new arsenals, in addition to Taekwondo. This break was like I said "an ordinary break", I got to spend it with my loved ones, and have fun while doing so, I cant complain for the time we had off.


  1. Seems like a fun winter break. Nice essay.

  2. Seems like your winter break was alot more fun than mine, nice job.
