Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Culminating Writing Assignment- "What It Feels To Be Me"

                                                              What It Feels To Be Me
          South Central Los Angeles, to many people is portrayed to be to be a low-class neighborhood. Housing in South Central is either affordable to those who have low income, or receive aid from the government, therefore it results to the majority of the community being Hispanic and African American. This stereotype is sadly true, I speak from experience, because I live in Florence, on Compton and 81st street. Due to me living so far I wake up extremely early at 5 o'clock a.m, and catch the MTA- Metropolitan Transportation Authority -bus, the 55 line, at 5:50 a.m. I just recently moved in to a beautiful four bedroom house in the beginning of May, and on my way to school from home, vice versa, all I see are Hispanics and African Americans. On the bus I have only seen one Asian couple, who looked happily wed, and I have yet to see any Caucasians.
          The lack in numbers of Asians ans Caucasians may very well be the reason to why South L.A is portrayed as a low-class community. Stereotypes directed to any individual race may not always be true, for each person is unique and can prove that stereotype wrong, although for the most, sadly they are true. For instance, white people usually live in clean, safe, high-class neighborhoods because of the hard work put in through generations of going to school and obtaining a great paying job, so each offspring of every other generation has the motivation to graduate from college/university because their father, and grandparents may have done so. In addition to stereotypes, Asians are seen as of the most intelligent people, which results to them being successful in life, however for Hispanics and African Americans, many see them as minorities, intruders, or less of a human being because of the color of their skin. These two nationalities are seen as unsuccessful as well; because not many of them achieve something great in life. My generation must be the one to change all these negative thoughts from the "Americans" towards us "minorities", for every individual, no matter what color skin, or race, have the knowledge and determination to finish school and achieve the job they desire, however it all depends on how bad someone wants it.
          If every individual thought as I did, having the same mindset to get through school to live a wonderful, wealthy life with luxorious items, the world would be a better place to live in, there would be a decrease in the number of homeless, junkies, and young hooligans make foolish decisions. However many grow up different in their life, some kids grow up with gangsters, drug addicts as "parents", or no parents at all, and affects them in the decisions they decide to make in life. Who knows, maybe some kids feed off their parents' struggles which motivate them to do good in school so they won't go down the same road, or maybe it doesn't.

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

nuclear essay

Nuclear Power Essay

There is much on the line if the decision being made today is not the proper one. Congresswoman assigned me responsible whether the United States should allow a nuclear power plant in the state or not. After all the research on the pros and cons of nuclear power plants a decision has been concluded. The U.S would benefit in various ways, but would also suffer consequences if anything tragic occurs This plant can provide us with large power-generating capacity able to meet industrial and city needs. Primarily people of the city rely on this energy, for they need electricity and power for everyday home necessities/utilities such as light, water, and gas. Although this nuclear power plant will support us with large amounts of energy, it will also be very dangerous to try and maintain the radioactive waste, and it would also be a hotspot as targets for militants and terrorist organizations. The final decision is that a nuclear power plant shall be in our state was finalized.

Nuclear energy benefits in so many ways, rather than energy from coal or gas. In "The Truth About Nuclear Power" by Veronique de Rugy, she says "Death resulting from the production of nuclear power are over 400 times less than the rate of death resulting from production of energy from coal", so that's an upside to nuclear power. At least we know it's safer while being produced. Even Steven Chu agrees- President Barack Obama's energy secretary- when asked to compare coal and nuclear energy, he stated "I'd rather be living near a nuclear power plant."(Chu, Steven. Do You Want To Live Near A Nuclear Power Plant?)

Nuclear power is also cheaper to make energy from it's reactors, rather than oil, gas, and coal. It is more reliable, for it lasts 100 years, while oil, gas, and coal have limited energy. In addition to it being a cheaper alternative than fossil fuels, it is also easier to transport. 28 grams of Uranium releases the same amount of energy as produced from 100 metric tons of coal, which results in the large amounts of pollution and contributes to the greenhouse gases: carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, and water vapor. That being said, not only is nuclear power safer, cheaper, and easier to transport, but it is also eco-friendly, while other fossil fuels harm the environment. "In burning fossil fuels, we inject 23 billion tons of carbon dioxide every year into the atmosphere-730 tons per second. Half of it is absorbed in the seas and vegetation, but half remains in the atmosphere. This is significantly altering the composition of the atmosphere and seriously affecting the climate of our planet."(Comby, Bruno. The Benefits of Nuclear Energy). Nuclear energy is the only source of energy that can replace a significant part of the fossil fuels, which massively pollute the atmosphere and contribute to the greenhouse effect.

This power plant will provide us with much benefits, but where there's good, there is also bad. To begin with, not only is nuclear energy meant for power, but it is also used for nuclear bombs. That being said, it would be a hotspot for militants and terrorists organizations. In addition, the aftermath of nuclear bombs still roam with us to this day, even after five decades of World War 2 many children are born with defects. However, we are the United States! We proved our superiority in the Cold War against the Soviet Union, and the amount of power the atom bomb had in the explosion of Hiroshima, so if any militants or terrorists organizations decide to mess with us, they should prepare themselves for war.

Nuclear energy benefits us more than it'll harm us, it is 4000 times safer than energy produced from fossil fuels, for less people die producing nuclear energy rather than fossil fuels. It is also more reliable in a sense that it'll provide larger amounts of energy that lasts 100 years, while oil, gas, and coal have limited energy. Yes this plant comes with consequences, but our American chemists are highly intelligent and responsible, so if any mistakes occur like radiation escaping, without a doubt in my mind I'm positive that they'll any issues.

Monday, May 18, 2015

La Relacion: Found Poem

 "As the sun rose next morning, the Indians appeared as they promised, bringing an adundance of fish and of certain roots... mostly grubber from the water with great labor." The Indians were very generous people and hard working when it comes to their necessitites.
     "They thought themselves rich with the little bells and beads we gave them, and they repeated their visits on other days." Alvar Nunez Cabeza de Vaca would barter with the Indians everyday, the Indians even came one day with their women and children to observe Cabeza de Vaca and his mem. They were astonished from how different these people were.
     "Being provided with what we needed, we thought to embark again." These men had their shipped trapped on shore dug into the sand after a hurricane destroyed their ship, so as they repaired it the Indians came over everyday to supply them with food and generosity.

What is an American?

                  What is an American? To be American is a dream for many people who aren't already. The U.S is the place to live your life freely, as many believe, although that's only if you were born American. Americans have many privilages, they get to school for free, have a well maintaining  job, and many more. Today we, including I, see Americans as those who vote, pay taxes, and take pride in thier country. Although this response applies to the American civilians, it differentiates with our U.S superiors, such as the president or governor.
                  If this question were to be asked in the past you'd get a different response from today. Many Americans in the past were mostly Caucasians, due to low percentage of immigrants. Now many African Americans, Hispanics, etc, can say they're American because they were born here after their spouses came to the U.S to settle. In the eyes of these immigrants, Americans were cruel people because they took advantage of them, for example Asians were used to build railroads and Hispanics to work for low wages on the grape fields. Americans did this beacsue they felt as they were superior, and knew they could take advantage of them because they were the desperate ones. So in conclusion to this statement, Americans were smart but cruel people.
                  Today perspective on Americans have changed, as times changed and laws that have been passed. It is the president's and other U.S superiors job to represent America , and to be wise with their actions so we don't gain a bad reputation. Today the U.S are the ones to go to after a crisis has occured. For example the earthquake in Haiti and Ebola outbreak in Africa, who were the ones there to help others in need of it? The U.S was. That is the duty as a president, to give a good reputation on the United States, and us Americans coming from there. 
                  To be an American is a great privilage, many people would go through hell crossing boarders just to enter the U.S. It's amazing the limits people would go through just for the title as an American or for thier kids to receive that title, that's how valuable and important it is to others. Although when they arrive to the U.S it is not the life they thought they would live, but that's not the point. Many of these immigrants come to live here because in thier home country there might be a crisis going on such as famine or war, or simply just to live a better life. That is why it is a privilage to be American, we dont have to go through the troubles many others out of country do.
                  An American is someone who was born in the United States, or in my opinion those who even have their green card. As Americans we have to work or go to school, vote, pay taxes, and take pride in our country. Throughout time the perspective on Americans have changed, going from bad to good. Being American is  a great privilage which is why I am proud to say I'm American.

My Descriptive Essay

          Before Winter Break even began I already knew how it would turn out at the end. I predicted to myself that for the next three weeks of the time off I'd spend it with my family, my girlfriend, and my friends.I knew it would be an ordinary break.
          During the beginning of the break, say about the first week; I spent it at home resting from all the hard work put in for finals. I love to be home; my dad,Jose Aguilar always tells me "there's no place like home" and I agree with her with him. At home I feel safe and comfortable, while being on the streets I have to constantly worry about protecting myself from many of the dangers that surround me. In addition to being safe once I get home I could rest all I want in the comfort of my home.
          Throughout the whole break I woke up to my mother, Reina Hernandez's, cooking. The noise from the food cooking and crackling usually woke me up, but waking up to the smell of breakfast was delightful. I'd then go brush my teeth and prepare for breakfast. During the morning, my preferred beverages would either be Nesquik chocolate milk, orange juice, or coffee. My mom likes to mix breakfast up everyday, so one day we'd get bacon, eggs, beans, with tortillas and the next we'd get pancakes with hash browns. She often asks me a day before what I'd like to eat.
          Coming into the second week of break I prepared for Christmas Eve and New Years Eve, I'd think to myself what I would like as a present. For Christmas I already know what I am getting from my dad, it's our tradition that he takes my brother and sister, Andy Ortiz and Kate Aguilar out shopping, and what he buys us he wraps it; so there's surprise to our Christmas. Every Christmas and New Years Eve, my family and I spend it the same every year; my sister comes over with my nephew and nieces and we have a nice dinner. Once the clock strikes 12 A.M we set fireworks off to the air. I hardly get to see my older sister, Sharlenne Poblette, and my nieces and nephew so anytime they come over I truly cherish it and have an amazing time with them, while I can.
          Towards the ending of the Winter Break I spent it with my girlfriend who lives in the San Fernando Valley. It's exhausting going to see her because she lives one hour and thirty minutes away from me on Metro, but at the end when I'm finally with my girlfriend, Kenny Giron, the trip is all worth it. The most significant thing that happened to me during this break is that I joined boxing, which is now part of my new arsenals, in addition to Taekwondo. This break was like I said "an ordinary break", I got to spend it with my loved ones, and have fun while doing so, I cant complain for the time we had off.

Civil Disobedience

 In the 19th century, many non-white people suffered, living a difficult life. Each individual race suffered differently, but what they all had in common was the cruelty they were put through. Racial groups such as Indians, African Americans, Hispanics, many of the people who came to the United States as immigrants; or enter any country as foreigners. There are many more races that are not mentioned in my writing who suffered, but the three I use are the most important because they they all participated in a form of civil disobedience. Civil disobedience impacted the way we all live today, although my generation and I will not notice the change because we grew up fine not having to worry about segregating ourselves by race. I am glad we did not have to go through what many others did because during the Civil Rights Movement if you were not white, you did not belong, which  makes this era one of the worst.
 Mohanda K. Ghandi seeked freedom for him and his Indian people from British rule. "As a young lawyer, Ghandi fought for the rights of Indians living under the racist and repressive government of South Africa." Ghandi was not someone who could be taken advantage of by the law, because he was a lawyer and was intelligent with his tactics. "Though Ghandi was often arrested and imprisoned for his actions, he urged his followers to hold the principles of nonviolent resistance  even in the face of violent tactics by those in power." Ghandi was one of the first who began protesting non-violently, including Martin Luther King and Caesar Chavez. This was a very powerful tactic, although at the time some members of their campaigns questioned it, it led to how we live now. In the speech On Nonviolent Resistance Ghandi states "Send us to prison and we will live there as in paradise... we will calmly endure all and not hurt a hair of your body." Ghandi is saying that he will face any punishments granted to him during the Civil Rights Movement without acting in violence, but one thing he will not tolerate is comply with the morbid laws of the British government.
 During the 1960's, U.S Civil Rights movement, Martin Luther King and many African Americans went through what Ghandi and his Indian people went through. "While King and his supporters were on a peaceful march toward city hall, the police turned fire hoses on them and then arrested them." Afterwards was sentenced for marching without a permit. Like Ghandi, Martin Luther King suffered from the law during their movement. Police found any little thing to convict them, and take them into jail. Although the suffering between blacks and Indians were different because African Americans would get beaten by police brutally. Inspired by Ghandi's non-violent campaign, Martin Luther King did not respond with violence when he and his people were assaulted. In Letter from Birmingham City Jail King says "A just law is a man-made law or the law of God. An unjust law is a code that is out of harmony with the moral law... a code inflicted upon a minority which that minority had no part in enacting or creating because they did not have the unhampered right to vote." After being asked "How can you advocate breaking some laws and obeying others?", that was King's response in his letter. Basically Martin Luther King is saying that the reason he does not agree with many laws is because they are laws made by white people because they have the power to since they could vote, so they create laws opposing the other races, since they feel they have the power to do so because they are white.
 If today there was a situation where an act of civil disobedience took place it would be different than it was during 1960's. Today our government and Congress not only have white people as leaders, but a variety of races. No race would be favored or treated unfair, so if today a form of civil disobedience took places decisions would be made fairly, however it would be more strict with trying to make everyone pleased. In the previous paragraph Martin Luther King said "just laws were proper ones while unjust was for the people who had power", in this case that would not be the same today because our President will make decisions to what the people please, so he/she can win another term. 

MLA Citation
                  A huge incident happened in Mexico, and tens of thousands of people have tooken their anger and questions to the streets of Mexico city. In the southern city Iguala, 43 students went missing, they’ve disappeared. Like the many confused people in Mexico, I agree with what they believe have happened to their children, that their deaths was an organized crime.
                  The students were last seen in September, detained by police. It is believed that the students were turned over to a local drug gang, after their remains were dicovered dumped along a river. This incident happened in September and just last week their remains were found. Mexican film director Guillermo de Toro and his partners issued a statement saying “we believe that the crimes are systemic and indicate a much greater evil, the blurred lines between organized crime and highranking officers in the Mexican government.” So these students’s death seem as if it were all planned out, and I strongly believe it was; by Mexican governments and Mexican gangs.
                  Such actions should not be permitted anywhere in the world. These are innocent people dying, there are never excuses when death is involved. The civilians in Mexico are scared, no one should ever live like this, in constant fear. Many of the protestors carried signs and echoed “Enough, I am tired of living in a narco state.” Mexican band members often refer to themselves as “narcos” and many of their fans support them which encourages them to make more songs about their lifestyle. Narcos are part of the Mexican Cartel, they’re the ones who sell and traffic drugs, and are known for their violence. They have no remorse towards people. I myself have seen videos of how cruel they are, such videos as people being tortured or decapitated because they defied their orders, or even because they were lied to. In conclusion, I see no reason the why the Mexican Cartel wouldn’t kill these innocent students, especially if they benefit out of it.       
So if these Mexican band members refer to themselves as Narcos, then why do fans keep supporting them? It 's a contradiction to the Mexicans who say that they're tired of living in a narco state, but then yet they still support it by listening to their music.
                  The students who were killed were in college and traveled nearby Iguala to protest about the lack of funding for their school. Officials say that when the mayor discovered the protesting of the students would disrupt one of his events he took matters in his own hands and abused his authority as mayor. He had police resolve the problem, and stop the protesting. After that, Attorney General Jesus Murillo Karam said "Police officers handed the victims to three men who belonged to the Guerreros Unidos gang." Authorities then arrested Iguala's Mayor Jose Luis Abarca and his wife Maria de los Angeles Pineda, who were found hiding out in Mexico city.
                  It is times like this that reveal to us how corrupt other country's officials are. No one deserves to die the way these students did, and no parent deserves to ever see their children die. Gangs and high authority such as the mayor or police should never be allies, that is a recipe for disaster. Such actions like this should never be repeated, and other countries and states should learn from mistakes like this. They will not get away with it especially in the time we live in now with all our crazy technology; actions like this will get punished, and justice will be served